Spend Reputation

User spends it own reputation to perform actions


npx ts-node cli/index.ts spendReputation 
                  [-e ETH_PROVIDER] 
                  [-ep EPOCH] 
                  -p PUBLIC_SIGNALS 
                  -pf PROOF 
                  -x CONTRACT 
                  -d ETH_PRIVKEY
  • After user generate a reputation proof with nullifiers, the attester can spend the reputation. In other words, the attester will send the negative reputation to the epoch key of the reputation proof, then the (positive_reputation - negative_reputation) reputation from the attester will decrease.


  -e ETH_PROVIDER, --eth-provider ETH_PROVIDER
                        A connection string to an Ethereum provider. Default: http://localhost:8545
  -ep EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH
                        The latest epoch user transitioned to. Default: current epoch
  -p PUBLIC_SIGNALS, --public-signals PUBLIC_SIGNALS
                        The snark public signals of the user's epoch key
  -pf PROOF, --proof PROOF
                        The snark proof of the user's epoch key
  -x CONTRACT, --contract CONTRACT
                        The Unirep contract address
  -d ETH_PRIVKEY, --eth-privkey ETH_PRIVKEY
                        The attester's Ethereum private key

Options inherited from parent commands

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

Last updated