
How airdrop, attestation, spending reputation happens in UniRep smart contract.

Set airdrop amount

After signing up, attesters can set the airdrop amount that whoever signs up through the attester, the user can get airdropped positive reputation.

function setAirdropAmount(uint256 amount) external

Airdrop Epoch key

An attester can submit the airdrop attestation to an epoch key with a sign up proof. The msg.sender should match the attesterId in the publicSignals.

* @dev An attester submit the airdrop attestation to an epoch key with a sign up proof
* publicSignals[0] = [ epoch ]
* publicSignals[1] = [ epochKey ]
* publicSignals[2] = [ globalStateTree ]
* publicSignals[3] = [ attesterId ]
* publicSignals[4] = [ userHasSignedUp ]
* @param publicSignals The public signals of the sign up proof
* @param proof The The proof of the sign up proof
function airdropEpochKey(
    uint256[] memory publicSignals,
    uint256[8] memory proof
) external payable

Submit Epoch Key Proof

The epoch key proof should be submitted before to get attestation. Then others can verify if the attestation is given to a valid epoch key.

* @dev A user should submit an epoch key proof and get a proof index
* publicSignals[0] = [ globalStateTree ]
* publicSignals[1] = [ epoch ]
* publicSignals[2] = [ epochKey ]
* @param publicSignals The public signals of the epoch key proof
* @param proof The The proof of the epoch key proof
function submitEpochKeyProof(
    uint256[] memory publicSignals,
    uint256[8] memory proof
) external

Submit Attestation

An attester can submit the attestation with a proof index. A valid proof is either an epoch key proof, a user sign up proof or a reputation proof with epoch key being one of the public signals. An attester can also submit attestations through a relayer or not.

It it is from a reputation proof we should include a fromProofIndex to make sure the attestation is from a valid reputation proof, or the attestation will fail.

function submitAttestation(
    Attestation calldata attestation,
    uint256 epochKey,
    uint256 toProofIndex,
    uint256 fromProofIndex
) external payable
function submitAttestationViaRelayer(
    address attester,
    bytes calldata signature,
    Attestation calldata attestation,
    uint256 epochKey,
    uint256 toProofIndex,
    uint256 fromProofIndex
) external payable

Spend Reputation

A user include a reputation proof to spend reputation via an attester, the non-zero nullifiers will be processed as a negative attestation, and the spent reputation cannot be re-used.

* @dev A user spend reputation via an attester, the non-zero nullifiers will be processed as a negative attestation
* publicSignals[0: maxReputationBudget ] = [ reputationNullifiers ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget    ] = [ epoch ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 1] = [ epochKey ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 2] = [ globalStateTree ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 3] = [ attesterId ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 4] = [ proveReputationAmount ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 5] = [ minRep ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 6] = [ proveGraffiti ]
* publicSignals[maxReputationBudget + 7] = [ graffitiPreImage ]
* @param publicSignals The public signals of the reputation proof
 * @param proof The The proof of the reputation proof
function spendReputation(
    uint256[] memory publicSignals,
    uint256[8] memory proof
) external payable

After the spendReputation event emitted, the reputation will assign a proofIndex. Then the proofIndex can be included in the fromProofIndex of submitAttestation.

The proof index can be queried by proof hash. And the proof hash can be computed by

Generate proof hash from ethers

import ethers from 'ethers'

const proofHash = ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(
    ['uint256[]', 'uint256[8]'],
    [publicSignals, proof]

Then call the UniRep smart contract to query the proof index

const unirepContract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, provider)
const index = await unirepContract.getProofIndex(

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