Users and Attesters

Actors in Unirep

User 👤

There are users who receive reputation and prove received reputation.

  • Users sign up by calling userSignUp in Unirep contract

  • User's identityCommitment is revealed at this time and it will be recorded in the contract to prevent double signup.

  • The identity commitment will not reveal the actual identity of the user but at the same time allow user to prove identity in the circuit.

Attester 👑

There are attesters who give attestations to users and the attestations become the users' reputation.

  • Attesters sign up by calling attesterSignUp in Unirep contract.

  • Attesters would be given attesterId by the order they sign up, attesterId begins with 1.

  • Attester information and attestation history are public and so everyone can see which attester submits which attestation to the Unirep contract.

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